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S4G, the un-mediated, not moderated social platform

Have you ever thought you have something to “express” with a social dimension but never had the opportunity to do it?

Then S4G is what you are looking for:

  • Open, unrestricted and easy to use
  • Three mediums to choose from: TEXT, VIDEO, PHOTO
  • A way to express your ideas, reflections and expertise, on social issues and broader development and society at large
  • You do not need to be an expert but just passionate about what you share

Latest Sharings

Government's priority areas for development

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It seems like government is doing everything on it's own. It is trying to solve each and every problem but seems to miss two major area which need to be focused and is root of all development. ;evolusun

Youth Service: a Key to Our Future

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"Community grows when people honour a commitment to laugh, shout, cry, argue, sing, and scream with, and at, one another without destroying one another or the earth in the process."


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A better world through FISHing

People care: harnessing citizen power through strategic volunteerism

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Volunteerism is not a standing alone phenomenon although often it means starting from scratch. In a bottom line, volunteering for campaigning or campaigning through volunteering are the determinants of strategic volunteering, a combination of hands on service together with multilevel and multiple form of civic actions.


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Learning through traveling

Crafting Child Friendly Nepal: prospects and challenges

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Crafting Child Friendly Nepal: prospects and challenges By : Bala Raju Nikku and Punam Kumar Dahal

Our Initiations for Child Friendly Nepal

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A child friendly society is ultimately friendly to all. We all aspire for it. Our imagination on child friendly society and state as a whole can come true if we respect the rights of children ourselves and motivate others for the same. This is the initial interventions that we all need to bring into action if we really want to see a society that is child friendly.

The real meaning of child friendly governance

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How can we meaningfully involve and engage children in stuff like planning and budgeting? Can we truly turn our communities child friendly? What does child governance mean? There are ways to effectively engage and involve children and make the "system" truly child friendly. It is about governance, education, health and child protection and..... family.

Evolution in service delivery by Government offices

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This is based on the experience I had during my visit to District Education Office and other educational departments run by Government. The inefficiency of bureaucratic institutes is not only cumbersome but costly in terms of human resource, time and economy. Hence, I would like share my observation and some ideas to deal with it. ;evolusun

Making Voices Heard

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Mass disability rally
Making the voices of the "voiceless" heard


Discussion with an Indian friend

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The article is an attempt to highlight the discussion with a friend who was in Nepal to spend his vacation and explore its massive treasure. It intends to bring forth the issues of political instability and its impact on overall development of the country. Furthermore, it apprise the rural folk fore and other local based treasures that has remained the hallmark of the Nepali society for ages.

Venture Philanthropy, a lift for no more extreme poverty. By 2030

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Venture philanthropy is not a new buzz word but rather a powerful idea that simply implies a better way of promoting development and creating prosperity. Rather than something totally anew, venture philanthropy bridges the gaps among different sectors and approaches. This is the reason why venture philanthropy should be embraced in the quest for eradicating extreme poverty by 2030.

Haruwa/Charuwa-Will it ever end?

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Haruwa/Charuwa semi-bonded labour

Opening a Letter

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CSR requires us to look below the surface of things. This goes for life too.


A “Wave for Social Change”: The Power and Limits of Volunteering Action

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The power of volunteerism is truly transformative because of its impact and positive change that can ensure but it has its own limitations and it cannot solve all the problems alone. Therefore volunteering can inspire collective cooperative framework for systematic change.


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Gender Article



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Love for Nepal

Improving aid for development? Bring the State in and let’s phase out the internationals, slowly slowly…

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If we want to have a strong development sector effectively focused on building a strong nation, thanks to the cooperation and fusion of synergies among non state actors, both and national and international, where should we position the role of the state at central and local level?
