About the Global Methane Initiative
About GMI | Global Methane Initiative
Launched in 2004, the GMI is an international public-private initiative that advances cost-effective, near-term methane abatement and recovery and use of methane as a clean energy source in three sectors: biogas (including agriculture, municipal solid waste, and wastewater), coal mines, and oil and gas systems. Focusing collective efforts on methane emission sources is a cost-effective approach to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and increase energy security, enhance economic growth, improve air quality and improve worker safety.
The Global Methane Challenge is an international campaign to catalyze ambitious action around the world to reduce methane emissions and highlight policies and technologies being used to recover and use methane. The Global Methane Challenge is open to all public- and private-sector organizations interested in showcasing their actions to address methane emissions.
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