Representatives from the ASEAN Secretariat’s Education, Youth, and Sports Division, FIFA, and UNESCO were present to share their perspectives on the topic.
The event is in line with Thailand’s commitment to promote the role of sports in youth crime prevention.
With the theme 'We Win as One: Unveiling Success Stories in Sports for Youth Crime Prevention in ASEAN Region', the 90-minute dialogue showcased best practices in the use of sports for youth crime prevention through encouraging stories shared by community sports leaders.
In his keynote remarks, Dr Niwat Limsukniran, Director General for Department of Physical Education, highlighted the power of sports to bring people together across borders.
He further emphasised how collaboration between different stakeholders could inspire further partnerships and action through strategic programmes that promote gender equality and youth development. He also appreciated the participation of ASEAN Member States and partner organisations in the event.
The hour-long discussion was moderated by Kittipoom Neamhom of TIJ and was participated in by Piyawan Poomkeaw, Manager of Bounce Be Good Club, a Thailand-based initiative focused on promoting positive outlook for children and youth through training programmes, and Belle Tiongco of Football for Humanity who shared insights on initiatives to prevent online sexual abuse and exploitation of children (OSAEC) in the Philippines.
Jessica Hutting of Kampus Diakonia Modern Foundation (KDM Foundation) shared stories about Program BOLA, an initiative that provides sports-focused activities for street children and youth.
Meanwhile, Nguyen Hoang Phuong, Director of Football for All in Viet Nam, shared insights on how to reshape societal perceptions towards gender roles by providing equal opportunities to play for boys and girls while also incorporating a life skills education programme.
The importance of cross-sectoral coordination was also highlighted during the discussion.
Source and main image: Asean