1 November 202316:00–17:30
The Arab region is in a crisis of political transition, experiencing various political and social movements calling for rapid changes in governance, security, and economic and social developments.
There have been many obstacles in the path of such movements, including failed formal political agreements, deteriorating economic and security conditions, and lack of dealing with root causes of the conflicts.
In this lecture, the speaker will explore ways in which reconciliation and forgiveness can be effective tools in contributing to peacebuilding and sustainable development in the Arab region – and respond to certain root causes of many conflicts there.
He will also share models for introducing forgiveness and reconciliation in education systems in Arab schools; an initiative that has been implemented in several communities by teachers and community leaders, based on empirical research that has been conducted in the region since 2012. There have been challenges and obstacles in integrating these concepts and processes, which will be shared and discussed.
Professor Mohammed Abu-Nimer, Leverhulme Senior International Fellow-Coventry University & Abdulaziz Said Chair for Peace and Conflict Resolution, American University.
Fabio Petito, Professor of Religion and International Affairs, University of Sussex.
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