The ILO Observatory on Artificial Intelligence and Work in the Digital Economy is the leading international knowledge hub on the world-of-work dimensions of AI and the digital economy. It aims to support governments and social partners in understanding and managing the digital transformation of work.
The Observatory is accessible through an online portal, backed by ILO’s expertise and engagement at global, regional and country levels. The portal brings together ILO’s research and policy/regulatory insights across four key areas: AI, algorithmic management, digital labour platforms and workers’ personal data.
By providing expert knowledge, including regulatory developments, as well as featuring key speakers/authors and emphasizing communication with ILO constituents and beyond, the Observatory is an enabler of policy and social dialogue on world-of-work dimensions of AI and the digital economy.
The virtual launch event for the ILO Observatory on AI will present ILO’s new online portal and its strategy for disseminating the latest, cutting-edge knowledge and engaging with constituents and others in this area. It will also highlight key insights from the UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Technology and ILO constituents on the importance of these topics for promoting decent work and social justice in a time of rapid technological change.
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