Published 30 May 2024
The APF Human Rights Defenders (HRDs) Working Group convened online on 23 May to discuss progress on the development of the APF's new data tool which enables monitoring and reporting on the situation of HRDs in the Asia Pacific region.
The data collected through the Right to Defend Rights tool, developed by the Danish Institute for Human Rights (DIHR) and adapted for use by APF members, will contribute significantly to the development of a regional outlook on HRDs, by measuring a range of indicators on the promotion and protection of human rights.
In addition, representatives from 22 National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) across the region have now completed a comprehensive capacity development programme to enhance their capabilities in protecting and promoting HRD rights.
The programme, which ran from 1-30 April, 2024, comprised five modules on various aspects of HRD support and protection, and included one-on-one workshops and ongoing technical assistance for APF members. Participants were also trained to use the Right to Defend Rights tool during the programme.
It has been fantastic to work with our members on a range of initiatives to support HRDs in the region, and to see the progress being made towards a robust monitoring platform to strengthen these efforts
The APF is now implementing a small grants programme to further support its members. This initiative aims to strengthen national data monitoring and reporting activities on the situation of HRDs.
APF members have been invited to express their interest in receiving financial and technical support, by demonstrating a commitment to monitoring and reporting on the HRD situation in their respective countries.
For more information, please contact Fia Hamid-Walker, HRDs Project Officer, at fiahamid-walker@asiapacificforum.net
Date: 30 May 2024