The State of the World’s Cash is an insightful and authoritative analysis of humanitarian cash and voucher assistance worldwide.
Welcome to the State of the World’s Cash 2023 report. This is the third report in the series following the first in 2018 and the second in 2020.
This flagship publication represents a neutral and authoritative assessment of the current context of Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) as part of humanitarian aid. Packed with analysis and reflections, it pulls together the views of people involved in CVA policy and practice from around the world, synthesises research from the last three years and cross-references findings with evidence around the views of people in crisis.
The State of the World’s Cash 2023 provides a ‘state of play’ in terms of the current use of CVA and details what needs to happen to unlock its full potential. It outlines progress made and challenges to be overcome. It explains strategic debates and provides clear recommendations to accelerate progress. Fundamentally, this report is about how to design and deliver more effective and people-centred aid. It is for anyone, and everyone involved in CVA or humanitarian response more broadly – from policy makers, practitioners, donors, academics to CVA champions and advocates. Packed with analysis and reflections, the ground-breaking 2023 report:
- Analyses the views of people involved in CVA policy and practice from around the world
- Synthesises research from the last 3 years, cross references findings with what the evidence tells us about the perspectives of people in crisis.
- Identifies strategic debates and proposes priority actions for a variety of actors
- The CALP Network is a dynamic global network of over 90 organisations engaged in the critical areas of policy, practice and research in humanitarian cash and voucher assistance (CVA) and financial assistance more broadly. Collectively, CALP members deliver the vast majority of humanitarian CVA worldwide.