By Nicola Brentnall, CEO of The Queen's Commonwealth Trust.
Our vision at QCT is a world where young people are equal partners in driving change. Our focus is forward, looking to the future and the role young people play in shaping the world we all want to see. Our Values - Respect, Collaboration, Integrity, Responsiveness and Optimism – drive everything we do.
Kavindya’s letter, with its heartfelt and direct challenge to leaders like me, could mean only one thing. We had to respond quickly, or our vision, our mission and values would mean nothing. With the help of Frances Brown, our Head of Network Development, we invited young people from around the world to help us take this forward.
The letter is an invitation to the institutions of the Commonwealth. Many organisations working in the Commonwealth arena are doing work of considerable value. The Commonwealth as a movement and family of nations working together has brought much that is good. As a youth organisation, we know that the worldview of young people will be shaped by the experience of their families and communities.
For me to do my job properly, I have to understand our shared history more. I had no real understanding of the experience of people from the Black British community or of people of colour or any meaningful understanding of colonialism. Beginning to do this, with the support and encouragement of this group of young people, has been profound, shocking and more valuable to me than I can say.
We have started a conversation in The Queen’s Commonwealth Trust about how the Commonwealth’s past – of colonialism, of the subjugation of peoples and the on-going legacy of such historic injustice – can and should shape the identity of the organisation, how it develops its offer and how it works in the future.
COVID-19 hit us and our discussion turned rapidly to the response and how this should be shaped. The Trust wanted to respond with grant-making – new grants to those not helped before and increased support for those in our portfolio who are pivoting to disaster relief – alongside a hugely expanded digital communications programme.
We developed a rapid response grant-making fund that prioritises those whose life experience, as a result of the legacy of the past, has left them at a potentially fatal disadvantage.
We could not have done this without starting this work on historic injustice. The work is already helping - and there is so much more to come.
We will share news from our team as we go and we hope that others may see this and start their own reflection, too. We know we have a long way to go, of course, but we will keep going – learning, encouraging and supporting each other, every step of the way.
Article published: May 2020
The Commonwealth is a global family of fifty-four countries, home to 2.4 billion people, of which 60% are under the age of 30. With digital and mobile technologies, the Commonwealth is more connected than ever before through its young people, who are stepping up to take action and tackle the problems they see around them. But only 0.07% of the international development budget goes to support their work.
They are a massive, global resource – big on action, short on support.
The Queen’s Commonwealth Trust is a growing network of young changemakers across the Commonwealth. A platform where smart ideas and insights are shared, to show that change can be brought about by anyone, anywhere. A place that sparks optimism and inspiration, where more and more people feel motivated and confident to step up and take positive action.
Our vision is a world where young people are equal partners in driving change. We champion, fund and connect young leaders who are working hard to change the world. We use our network, platform and resources, built and shaped together with young people, to demonstrate the leadership, energy and optimism of young people across the Commonwealth and their enormous potential to create a better future for everyone.
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