We build bridges between the ground-level campaigns and multilateral efforts that are driving a just and equitable switch to clean, renewable energy. At the heart of our work is a commitment to nurturing the relationships and community required for transformational change.
Destination Zero leverages Founder and Executive Director Catherine Abreu’s well-honed skills as a subject matter expert, movement-builder, communicator, and diplomat. Operations Manager Milenko Vujosevic keeps the ship moving with patience and communications.
Some of our work…
Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance
The blanket of greenhouse gas emissions that is warming our planet is caused by fossil fuels - about 70% of the carbon pollution emitted globally results from the burning of coal, oil or gas. Yet since the beginning of international negotiations to tackle climate change over 30 years ago, countries have been able to claim climate leadership on the global stage while continuing to expand their production of fossil fuels at home. Chaired by Denmark and Costa Rica, the Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance (BOGA) is changing the game. It is the first diplomatic alliance of countries and regions focused on limiting the production and supply of oil and gas in the name of climate action. Catherine has been helping to build BOGA since the very beginning, working with civil society around the world to imagine a renewed vision of what climate leadership looks like.