Published: 16th September 2023
Unfortunately, in Oxfam’s programmatic and advocacy work, we see clearly that at this important milestone, we are very off-track to achieve the SDGs. Oxfam will be pushing leaders to make bold commitments and more importantly, follow up with bold, urgent action to get the SDGs back on track. We know what works to address these challenges, and we know there are more than enough resources to do so. We must ensure that those resources and capacity are in the hands of those on the frontlines tackling these complex issues.
Oxfam International Executive Director Amitabh Behar said: “At the General Assembly this year, the stakes couldn't be higher as we take stock of the SDGs at their midway point. COVID-19 and other cascading crises have set back our progress. But at the heart of our delayed progress is inequality. Unless we fight the widening chasm between those who have and those who have not, we will continue derailing. At UNGA this year, we urge leaders to tackle the widening gap between the super-rich and the super-poor, and the climate and gender injustices, and to address fragile states pressing humanitarian needs, that are preventing us from achieving the SDG's ambitions. There are enough resources and knowledge to get us back on track, but leaders must act collectively and urgently as time is running out.”
A few highlights from Oxfam’s agenda include:
On Saturday, Sept 16: As part of the SDG Mobilization Day, Oxfam International Executive Director Amitabh Behar and Secretary-General Guterres will speak together in a fireside chat discussing the important of accountability and financing the SDGs; Oxfam America President & CEO Abby Maxman will speak about climate synergies and the SDGs, and Oxfam America Vice President Tawanda Mutasah will speak about SDGs and the Summit of the Future.
On Tuesday, Sept 19: Oxfam leaders and experts will be speaking to a renewed effort and bolder targets to fight inequality, alongside Heads of State, UNAIDS and the Pathfinders.
Oxfam experts will also be speaking at events and releasing statements and reports on the situation in Sudan, Women’s Land Rights, and will be joining the Climate March with Marinel Ubaldo, a young activist from the Philippines, leading the climate delegation.
We will be reacting to Heads of State Speeches and other developments throughout.