Date & time: Thursday 14 September 2023, 09:00 New York / São Paulo 10:00 / London 14:00 / 15:00 Brussels / 18:30 New Delhi / 22:00 Tokyo
Each year BHRRC's Mary Robinson Speaker Series spotlights emerging issues in the field of business & human rights. It looks to move forward the debate, by bringing together people from business, investment, legislative and human rights communities, as well as voices speaking on behalf of those most impacted by egregious human rights abuse.
Our free online event will focus on the new wave of regulation aiming to end corporate impunity, while also empowering communities and workers in global supply chains. Our panel will explore the importance of rigorous corporate accountability and human rights due diligence legislation and the need for business and investor leadership to promote human rights-centred operation and investment for a right-centred corporate activity.
Our panel of speakers will bring their expert perspective on emerging human rights regulation. The event will feature government representatives, company/investor, and worker voices, and through their rich analysis, will demonstrate that corporate human rights due diligence – growing in stature internationally – is a crucial opportunity to empower and protect marginalised communities and workers.
Speakers to be announced soon.
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