Bullying is a serious problem in schools worldwide, and Nepal is no exception. According to a study conducted by the National Child Rights Council, Nepal (NCRC), almost half of the students in Nepal have reported experiencing bullying at school. Bullying in Nepal can take many forms, including physical bullying, verbal bullying, and cyberbullying. The NCRC study found that physical bullying was the most common form of bullying experienced by students, followed by verbal bullying and cyberbullying.Similarily, In the 30 days prior to the survey, more than 50% of children aged 13 to 15 reported being bullied at least once, according to the Global School-based Student Health Survey Nepal 2015.Nearly 40% of students between the ages of 13 and 15 said they had engaged in a physical confrontation at least once in the 12 months preceding the study.
The impact of bullying on students in Nepal can be severe and long-lasting. It can lead to emotional and psychological distress, including feelings of fear, anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. Children who are bullied may also experience difficulties in school, such as poor academic performance, absenteeism, and dropping out of school. They may also be at an increased risk of developing mental health disorders such as depression and anxiety.
It is important to address the issue of bullying in Nepal by creating a safe and inclusive school environment that promotes respect, equality, and tolerance. This can be done by providing anti-bullying education to students, teachers, and parents and by implementing effective interventions to address bullying with students in the process of creating a safer school environment. They can be encouraged to speak up when they witness bullying and to support each other. Furthermore, schools can also provide counseling and support services for students who have been bullied or who have witnessed bullying.
Overall, bullying is a serious problem that requires a comprehensive approach to addressing it. The government, schools, parents, and students must all work together to create a safe and inclusive school environment that promotes respect and tolerance and supports those who have been affected by bullying.
There have been several interventions implemented in Nepal to address school bullying. Some of these include:
- Educational programs and workshops for students, teachers, and parents to raise awareness about the negative effects of bullying and how to prevent it
- Strict policies and consequences for bullies, such as suspension or expulsion from school,
- Counseling and support services for victims of bullying
- Creating a safe and inclusive school environment through diversity and anti-discrimination initiatives
- encouraging students to speak up and report bullying incidents
- Providing training to teachers and staff on how to recognize and respond to bullying
- Forming school safety committees to address and prevent bullying
It is worth noting that the effectiveness of these interventions may vary and may not be enough to stop school bullying in Nepal, and it's important to keep monitoring and evaluating the results regularly.
The Nepalese government has been taking significant actions to resolve the situation on both an operational and legal level. To encourage the reporting of incidents of various forms of violence experienced by students, such as physical punishment by teachers and peer bullying, the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology (MOEST) has devised a school-based reporting system called a "complain box." According to the Center for Education and Human Resource Development's Complaint Response Mechanism (CRM) Guidelines 2077, as amended (according to the Nepali calendar), all secondary schools all across the country have been obligated to appoint one female teacher as the gender focal person and compel the establishment of a complaint box.
All types of abuse and violence against children, from family to community levels, are outlawed by the strong restrictions of Article 39 on child rights in the Constitution of Nepal. "No child will be subjected to torture, whether physical, mental, or in any other form, at home, school, or in any other place or circumstance whatsoever," it states. In 2011, the sixth amendment to the Education Rules 2002 (according to the Roman Calendar) added a code of conduct for teachers, stating that teachers should not subject students to physical or mental torture.It expressly prohibits teachers from torturing their students physically or emotionally and asserts that every student has a right to an education free from prejudice and violence.
As a whole, It is important to note that effective monitoring is being done and reviewing existing response system under various programs and policies to prevent and address school bullying. It is also important for schools and parents to take steps to prevent and address bullying, such as creating safe and inclusive environments, educating students about the negative effects of bullying, and encouraging students to report instances of bullying when they occur.
Dangal , Singh , Kathmandu University, March 2020,Girls Bullying in Nepali Schools: A Perception Study on Awareness Level of Verbal and Non-verbal Bullying Among Teenagers
Global School Based Student Health Survey Nepal, 2015. Kathmandu, Nepal: Nepal Health Research Council, 2017
Ginestra, Constanza, School-related gender-based violence (SRGBV): a human rights violation and a threat to inclusive and equitable quality education for all
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