Kirsten Han is a journalist and anti-death penalty activist in Singapore. Sara Kowal (Eleos Justice) will moderate a conversation with Kirsten covering her experience as an activist in Singapore, and discussing the current spate of executions that have taken place in Singapore in 2022 and look set to continue.
Sara Kowal (Eleos Justice) will moderate a conversation with journalist Kirsten Han, covering her experience as an activist in Singapore, and discussing the current spate of executions that have taken place there in 2022 and look set to continue.
To register: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/eleos-in-conversation-with-kirsten-han-s...
Kirsten Han, Singaporean Journalist and Activist, @kixes @tjc_singapore
Kirsten is a journalist and anti-death penalty activist in Singapore. She has run her own newsletter "We, the Citizens" for the last 5 years and is the Managing Editor of the Mekong Review, an Asian literary magazine. Kirsten has supported the families of death row inmates in Singapore for over a decade. This work has led her and her colleagues at Transformative Justice Collective to be targeted by the Government and harassed, such as sitting outside Changi prison with tea-light candles for about 40 minutes the night before an execution.
Sara Kowal, Eleos Justice, @sarakowal @EleosJustice
Sara is Manager of Partnerships and Clinic for Eleos Justice, as well as Vice-President of the Capital Punishment Justice Project.She has practised exclusively in criminal law since 2003 and has extensive experience in defending complex prosecutions. In 2018, Sara was appointed to establish the Anti-Death Penalty Clinic at Monash, the first stage of Eleos Justice. The Clinic has been extremely popular with students and has been enthusiastically embraced by our partners. In November 2019, Sara joined the Executive of the Anti-Death Penalty Asia Network (ADPAN).
Event Enquiries
Monash Law Marketing and Engagement Team
Email: law-engagement@monash.edu
Eleos Justice
Our mission is to restrict and abolish the death penalty in the Asian region. With over 90 per cent of the world's executions taking place in Asia, we urgently need a coordinated approach to make lasting positive change. Eleos has the unique ability to offer vital advocacy, evidence-based research and teaching to become a leading hub for fighting the death penalty in the Asian region
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