The European Development Days (EDD), to be held this year on 5-6 June, are a unique opportunity to engage with many of our key stakeholders from Brussels and around the world. The two-day event last year included more than 120 sessions and attracted some 8000 participants.
The EEAS will be actively participating with:
- A special event on Youth with High Representative Mogherini: "Leading the Change: Young leaders driving equality worldwide"
- A High Level Panel on Women, Peace and Security, moderated by EEAS Secretary General Helga Schmid: "Time to act! – High-level panel on Women, Peace and Security"
- A "LAB" debate on "Security for development; development for security: Shaping the EU's new civilian security instruments to promote resilient and gender equal societies", with the paritcipation of Mara Marinaki, EEAS Principal Advisor on Gender and UNSCR 1325
- A "LAB" debate on LGBTI: "Making sure EU development cooperation leaves no one behind"
- "LAB" debates organised by partners with EEAS involvement on
- Human rights defenders Designing protection mechanisms that work for Women Human Rights Defenders
Gender and religion: "What’s Religion got to do with it?"
Two stands in the Global Village focusing on human rights and security
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