The guidebook – Bridging the Divide in Sport and Sustainable Development: A Guide for Translating Policy into Practice and Effective Programme Management – has been completed after years of consultation and research. It will be launched officially on 22nd August 2022 with an interactive webinar.
Join the guidebook launch on 22 August at our interactive webinar – sign up here.
While sport is increasingly used as a tool for sustainable development by a growing range of actors across sectors and geographies, there remain gaps in understanding and application among policy makers and practitioners as to how sport can best contribute to sustainable development outcomes.
This guidebook responds to this need and aims to bridge the divide between policy and practice, between theory and reality, by detailing the main factors to consider when designing, delivering and evaluating initiatives using sport for sustainable development. By building capacity among policy makers and programme managers within and beyond the sport sector, this guidebook will contribute to improved policies and programmes, enabling greater and sustained impact.
Access the digital guidebook here
You can make the most of the digital guidebook by using various functions, including taking notes; highlighting selected text; and tagging key information, tools and resources for future reference.
The guidebook is part of a broader joint project between JSC and sportanddev which seeks to increase the capacity of those in the sport sector and beyond to strengthen and mainstream the use of sport in development, including its contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and other priorities, including the role of sport for development in response to the COVID pandemic.
The project has been supported by a wide range of partners and stakeholders from across the globe. The project seeks to create greater awareness of the viability and value of sport as a tool for sustainable development, enabling increased capacity, commitment, evidence and investment in policies and projects that seek to mainstream and maximise the use of sport for development.
Who is the guidebook for?
The guidebook is aimed at audiences both within and beyond sport. This includes sport managers and administrators who are expected to use sport as a vehicle for development as part of their work, and sport for development and peace (SDP) actors who can adapt and improve their initiatives.
The guidebook is also relevant for individuals and organisations in the broader (local and global) development sector who have yet to fully understand how sport can drive outcomes in their sector (e.g. public health). The guidebook contains both introductory information about the use of sport for development and more detailed guidance on how to design, deliver and assess policies and
Where can I access the guidebook?
The guidebook is open access and freely available as an e-book on the JSC website.
For those who need a hard version copy, please contact Etsuko Yamada, Head of International Sport for development, Japan Sport Council: etsuko.yamada@jpnsport.go.jp
How was the guidebook developed?
The guidebook was developed over a period of four years by sportanddev and JSC, with input from an Expert Advisory Committee and a range of experts in sport and development. The guidebook was also informed by a comprehensive global survey conducted by sportanddev and JSC and a situational analysis. The guidebook was trialled with a range of stakeholders across sectors and geographies.
What languages is the guidebook available in?
The guidebook is currently available in English and Japanese. We are open to providing this resource in other languages (e.g. French and Spanish) should resources be made available.
About the Japan Sport Council (JSC)
Established in 2003, JSC is the national agency responsible for the development of sport in Japan. Under the leadership of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) and Japan Sports Agency, JSC plays a vital role in delivering sport policy in Japan and enhancing the value of sport in society.
About the International Platform on Sport and Development (sportanddev)
sportanddev is operated by the Swiss Academy for Development. It is the leading hub for organisations and individuals using sport for development to share knowledge, build good practice, coordinate with others and create partnerships.
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