The transitioning towards low carbon transport systems is one of the new priority themes in the Regional Action Programme for Sustainable Transport Development in Asia and the Pacific (2022–2026) adopted at the fourth Ministerial Conference on Transport held in December 2021. Policies that will support the transition towards low carbon transport systems can address the challenges of growing transport demand and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in the Asia-Pacific region. The global demand for passenger travel and movement of goods is expected to more than double from 2015 to 2050. Much of this increase in passenger and freight demand is driven by population growth and economic development. As a result, CO2 emissions from the transport sector are projected to increase by 16 per cent by 2050, which is far above the level that is required to limit global warming to 1.5°C, the goal of the Paris Agreement.
Although transport demand is expected to grow across all regions in the world, countries in the Asia-Pacific region are expected to experience the most significant demand growth. CO2 emissions could therefore increase by 47 per cent in this region between 2015 and 2050, becoming the world’s highest emitter. If ambitious low carbon transport policies are implemented, CO2 emissions could then decrease by 56 per cent within the same period. Such policies need to increase climate ambition to reverse the trend of growing emissions, while at the same time keeping equity and equality at their core. These objectives could be achieved through the improvement of transport technologies, services and systems that are affordable and available to all, regardless of age, income, gender, health and geographical location.
The Regional Meeting on Just Transition to Low Carbon Mobility in Asia and the Pacific is organized by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP). A Joint Workshop focusing on Electric Mobility in Public Transport in Thailand will be jointly organized by ESCAP and the Office of Transport and Traffic Policy and planning (OTP), Ministry of Transport, Thailand.
The Regional Meeting on Just Transition to Low Carbon Mobility in Asia and the Pacific will highlight existing challenges in the region and identify policy action that will enable the achievement of inclusive and low carbon transport, including the shift to electric mobility. This regional meeting serves as a platform for multi-stakeholder engagement and the sharing of best practice knowledge among ESCAP member States, other United Nations entities, international organizations and research institutes.
The joint Workshop on Electric Mobility in Public Transport in Thailand will discuss the current state of public transport, polices and strategies to shift towards electric mobility in public transport in Thailand. The joint workshop aims to bring together relevant transport, urban and energy stakeholders from Government entities, public and private sector in Thailand to discuss various issues, challenges, policies and practices, as well as strategy and roadmap for transitioning to electric mobility in Thailand.
Registration: Please register by 9 August 2022.
For more information, please contact Wei-Shiuen Ng (wei-shiuen.ng@un.org) and Sakollerd Limkriangkrai (limkriangkrai@un.org).
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