To register: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_-bGP4XgdRJ21woJW4glBMg
This webinar will seek to explore the importance of partnership and collaboration and how the global pandemic has highlighted the relevance of effective partnership in supporting and developing volunteering to deliver greater impact. It will reflect on the different stakeholders and relationships that are important to providing leadership for volunteering including between NGO’s and between governments and NGOs. It will explore why partnership and collaboration is important and what helps to create and sustain effective partnerships. The webinar will also seek to focus on lessons learned and, for example, how partnership and collaboration will influence support for volunteering and the mobilization of volunteers in the future.
The webinar will seek to bring together four presentations from a diversity of volunteering leadership to showcase their experience of partnership and how this has impacted on volunteering in their work, community or country. Each presentation will last 10 minutes, followed by a moderated discussion and Q & A from the audience.
About the Series:
In this webinar series we will examine three key volunteering topics highlighted by IAVE's research regarding the experience and response of leadership for volunteering organizations during the pandemic. An accompanying briefing paper for each of the sessions will both reflect on evidence gathered from the research and inform future volunteering operations and practice. The corresponding briefing paper for this session will be email to you upon registration.
We will reflect on the different stakeholders and relationships that are important to providing leadership for volunteering and how we can create and sustain effective partnerships. The webinar will also seek to focus on lessons learned and, for example, how partnership and collaboration will influence support for volunteering and the mobilization of volunteers in the future.
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