Arc of the Gurkha By Alex Schlacher [Book Recommendation]

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"Arc of the Gurkha: From Nepal to the British Army by Alex Schlacher is a stunning and powerful book of photographs that reveal the human face of the legendary Brigade of Gurkhas.
There have been other books about the Gurkhas, but none has focused on the individual soldiers, their backgrounds, lives and experiences. Arc of the Gurkha explores the span of a Gurkha career from recruitment through to training and deployment up to post-military employment and retirement. Alex Schlacher has accompanied the Gurkhas on operations in Afghanistan, on exercises in the Brunei jungle and Australia; she has visited all the units in the Brigade as well as retired and medically discharged Gurkhas; she has taken intimate portraits of hundreds of soldiers and heard their stories.
Beautifully presented and exquisitely crafted, this extraordinary publication is the first to explore what it really means for a Gurkha to be a Gurkha. The book can be purchased or ordered from all good bookshops or online from Amazon and other e-retailers."

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