Full Coverage: https://enb.iisd.org/cbd-sbstta24-sbi3-global-biodiversity-framework
The resumed sessions of the twenty-fourth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA 24), the third meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation (SBI 3) and the third meeting of the Open-ended Working Group on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework (WG2020-3), originally scheduled for 12-28 January 2022 are now planned to take place on 14-29 March 2022, at the International Conference Center Geneva in Geneva, Switzerland. The Secretariat will keep these arrangements under review in light of the evolving COVID-19 pandemic.
The pre-session and other relevant documentation for the meetings are available under the individual sub-pages. Please note that relevant documents will need to be aligned where necessary with the new dates and will be made available in January 2022. Note also that the Secretariat, in collaboration with the SBSTTA Chair, the SBI Chair and the WG2020 Co-Chairs, as well as partner organizations, is hosting a series of webinars leading up to the resumed sessions, to update Parties and stakeholders on new documents, the organization of work and other aspects of the meetings, as needed.
Nomination letters already sent for the meetings with the earlier dates of January 2022, in response to the above-mentioned notifications, will be considered valid for the meetings now scheduled for March 2022. Therefore, there is no need to re-send nomination letters and re-register. However, if there are any changes to the delegation as a result of the new dates, there would be a need to send a revised letter of nomination and to complete online registration.
The resumed meetings in Geneva will be conducted in person. However, taking into account requirements related to the ongoing pandemic, there will be a need to limit the number of persons with access to the venue at any one time. This will be necessary to facilitate social distancing in the venue and also to allow for regular testing of participants. Currently, it is expected that these limits will be six per Party and two per observer organization. Thus, Parties and observers are also encouraged to limit the total number of their representatives present physically in Geneva. To facilitate this, provision will be made to allow delegations from Parties and observers to follow the sessions of the meetings, both plenary and contact groups, virtually. Please note, however, that online participation will be limited to viewer mode only.
The designated delegates coming from countries requiring a Schengen visa for Switzerland are strongly advised to contact the nearest Swiss diplomatic or consular mission as soon as possible in order to secure the required entry visa in a timely manner, prior to departure. To facilitate the issuance of visas, the Secretariat will issue visa assistance letters to participants upon request, to be attached to the visa application. A copy of the Priority Pass (confirmation of pre-registration to the meetings) issued by the Secretariat will also need to be attached to the application.
Delegates traveling to Switzerland for the meetings are strongly advised to consult the Federal Office of Public Health website on health-related measures and updates, prior to travel. To enter into Switzerland and for access to the venue, delegates will be required to be vaccinated (with one of the vaccines approved by the World Health Organization) or provide evidence of immunity following recovery from COVID-19. For further information about visa requirements, as well as health requirements and other logistical details, an updated version of the Information Note for Participants is being prepared by the Secretariat and will be made available on the meetings webpage as soon as finalized.
Important information
- Code of Conduct to Prevent Harassment, Including Sexual Harassment, at UN System Events [PDF, 893 Kb] - | العربية | Español | Français | Русский | 中文 |
- COVID-19 Prevention and Risk Mititgation Measures - Guidelines for in-person participants and frequently asked questions , 2 March 2022 [PDF, 140 Kb]
- CBD Notification 2022-014: Updated information: Resumed sessions of SBSTTA 24, SBI 3 and WG2020-3, Geneva, Switzerland, Ref.: SCBD/EM/DC/90155, 18 February 2022 [PDF, 85 Kb]
- CBD Notification 2022-006: Further information: Resumed sessions of SBSTTA 24, SBI 3 and WG2020-3, Geneva, Switzerland, Ref.: SCBD/OES/EM/DC/89916, 27 January 2022 [PDF, 90 Kb]
- CBD Notification 2021-085: New dates: NEW DATES: Resumed sessions of SBSTTA 24, SBI 3 and WG2020-3, 13-29 March 2022 - Geneva, Switzerland, Ref.: SCBD/OES/EM/DC/89916, 22 December 2021 [PDF, 154 Kb]
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