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Telling A Tale: Edited by Archana Thapa
"This collection of Nepali women’s personal narratives is about being and writing as a woman in the context of modern Nepal. At its most basic, the collection gives the reader a sense of how women experience their femininity in a variety of ways and how their personal locations—economic, geographical, social, among thers—shape their multiple experiences of being a woman. The collection also raises important questions about the validity of so-called unchanging and stable feminine selves and shows how women (or women-as-writers) reflect upon their cultural identities as individual women. The aim of the collection is not to focus upon the gender differences between men and women, but to illustrate manifold differences among various women, differences that show how every woman is a unique individual. Sporadic masculine concerns are only touched upon in relation to feminine issues."
Available via: www.pandulipibooks.com/telling.php
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