Webinar: Launching a pilot Youth SDG Index for Australia, NZ & the Pacific

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Web Binar here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNELrVct2nw

Towards an AusNZPac Youth SDG Index is a youth-led report that is the first in the world to use the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) framework to measure young people’s progress towards sustainable development. The report found that young people were lagging behind the general population on many of the SDGs, showing the value and importance of using the SDGs to measure youth progress. However, the team also encountered several challenges, including in adapting the SDG targets to youth concerns and finding relevant youth-related data. The team  they have therefore called for more focus on the inclusion of youth into the SDG framework. 

The report and additional resources can be downloaded at https://ap-unsdsn.org/youth-sdg-index/ The webinar showcased the methodology and results of the report, and featured youth and SDG advocates, including * Isabelle Zhu-Maguire (SDSN Youth AusNZPac Coordinator and report writer, Monash University) * Mardi Gillespie-Dawson (report student intern, Monash University) * Prof John Thwaites AM (Chair of SDSN AusNZPac, Monash University) * Imogen Kane (Australia’s 2023 Youth Representative to the United Nations) * Cameron Joshua Artango (YPAT Program Member at UNICEF East Asia and Pacific) * Ellen Dixon (SSP Global Lead) *Alexandre Dayant (Deputy Director, Indo-Pacific Development Centre, Lowy Institute for International Policy)

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