Date: 11 July, 1pm BST/2pm CET/8am EST
Experts will share insights on:
- Examples of case studies of where a treaty would have been useful and highlight gaps in NAPs and mHRDD legislation:
- Arnold Kwesiga, Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria
- Perspectives of CSOs in Southeast Asia and any case studies that would show the usefulness and necessity of the treaty
- Joseph Purugganan, Focus on the Global South
- Commissioner Dersso, African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights
- Andressa Oliveira Soares, Homa – Human Rights and Business institute
- Giuseppe Cioffo, CIDSE
- Complementarity of the African Commission process with the treaty process:
- How domestic laws can also be shaped by the UN treaty process: the example of framework law to regulate TNCs in Brazil:
- Overview of the EU CSDDD and complementarity with the treaty; why do we need both?
Two other webinars as part of our series Bridging the gap: A stronger Binding Treaty for all, are planned in August and September
- Regional perspectives on the treaty – what would a treaty mean around the world and what still needs to be resolved in the draft? (17 August – tbc)
- A treaty and access to justice for affected communities: addressing the human rights commitment gap (week of 18 September)
See our Binding Treaty Portal for the latest news on the porcess
Event Details
Start date
11 Jul 2023
Start time
1 p.m.
Event type
Business & Human Rights Resource Centre, CALS, Justica Ambiental, Lawyers for Human Rights and ZELA
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