I was awakened suddenly by my colleague to be ready to move from the place as huge flood was coming in the area where we were residing. She was quite in panic and handling phone calls, who on the other side was giving her information to immediately move. It was around 11, almost midnight. I with my other colleagues got up immediately, packed our bags and went out in the dark street with locals who were already out that time. We were getting information to immediately move from the place but we could not decide where to go. We stayed for hours in the street quite worried as to what might happen to us. We just waited for another warning call.
I was already very tired from my field visit that day. It was really a long day for me, walking, talking and giving orientation to community people. I just wanted some rest that night but I could not. That was the night where I could empathize with the locals. In the dark street, I could hear them talking, how they had to run from earthquake and now from flood. " kasto darr lagiracha" ( I am feeling afraid), " Kei hudaina " ( Nothing will happen) , overeheard the locals. My colleagues were worried whether to give a call to their home or not. We informed office but decided not to worry home with such news.
We stayed outside in the street talking with locals that night ready to move as soon as we get warning call again.Night passed with less anxiousness as we moved from that place early morning.On the way back,we could see huge logs and materials in the shore brought by flood. Also in news we saw how flood that night had taken down many houses.
Facing this reminded of similar situation of earthquake days of panic and nervousness. Nepal is blessed with beautiful landscape but it is also very disaster prone. One disaster can easily welcome the other. Every year, Nepal faces flood and landslides, with region that is more prone to earthquake. And every year there are huge losses due to disaster. Every year we face terrible road obstructions. It is always the citizens who suffer heavily. When country is not prepared for disaster, it always leads to losses and deaths and will continue to if no actions and preparations are taken. It is really important that the government start studying and working on disaster preparedness programs, laws and implement it with much sincerity.
Cover Image : From Nepalmountainnews.com Site
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