I've been reading Aljazeera on-line in an effort to garner another perspective and to learn about world events not necessarily covered by other on-line media. I'm learning more about ISIL and how they are conquering areas throughout the Middle East, killing anyone in their path, destroying antiquities, which can never be recovered, and turning back the clock on civilization. I've been reading about Syria and Yemen (Somalia) and the huge humanitarian issues which people living in these countries are facing as well as, all of the refugees (Rohingya) living at sea as countries refuse to take them in. Thailand has just marked its one year anniversary under military rule and Nepal is in the midst of dealing from a huge earthquake. Burundi has been facing a coup and cholera, ebola still stalks many countries inhabitants, the list goes on.
It's not that I thrive on suffering, although this is what the news is about. I want to be informed about the lives of people throughout the world and have more understanding as to why people hate one another and need to separate themselves from others, seemingly for very irrational reasons, but I don't get very far. Maybe I'm trying to find some clues by reading Aljazerra but there doesn't seem to be many answers in the articles.
On some level I understand how "blood feuds" and hate gets passed down and fueled from one generation to the next. If somebody kills one of your family members maybe because they are from a different ethnic group or tribe, your family tells you that we must get revenge on that entire (other) population. If a child is kidnapped and forced to be a soldier or sold into prostitution how can they "saved" to have a somewhat joyous life? When children in Mexico murder a six year old because they are playing a game called "kidnap" and had hurt him so badly that they decided to kill him because this is their reality, how do we create safe places to help turn their lives around? Growing up in the many barrios, ghettos and slums throughout the world, how do we help those lives to more prosperity, better healthcare and education? What do we do with all of those people especially children who will bear the brunt, due to wars, become dispossessed?
These questions all relate back to those with power and money not really understanding that things need to be fairer. But the history of the human race has really never been this way. Sharing of toys and thinking about how others feel or what they need is not something that we do very well. This is more about me and mine and how you can help me to achieve what I want.
In my last job I remember a conversation that the owner had with the employees telling them to work hard and that eventually this would pay off. However, the wages paid to the employees were a mere pittance compared to the wealth of the owner and the opportunities presented would never be the same.
I look around and observe many people with little motivation, except to pass time. They sit all day in a shop, checking Facebook, or don't work, not doing much. Maybe on some level they are right; why bother when they have no control and all they really want to do is be left in peace? Look at people in Syria impacted by the ongoing civil war and now ISIL combatants, Do they really have any choices in their lives or is it just that they are human shields, fodder for the big boys to maintain their power and possessions, a gigantic chess board where the pawns get blown away with nothing more than a yawn.
I do want to know but I also feel that I am becoming more cynical about the state of the world or maybe I'm becoming more realistic about our future. Or should I become more like an ostrich and stick my head in the proverbial sand, ignoring the world around me?
Idealism is a wonderful character quality and should be maintained throughout one's life but is it a bit Pollyannaish to think that people's relationships will ever change especially given the huge cultural differences that we share? Most of us probably don't really understand these differences and never will because all we might do is read an article from our favorite newspaper or magazine which shares our perspective, further reinforcing what we already believe.
Although more of the world is chatting on Facebook and other social media, helping to somewhat bridge the cultural divide, but as I've learned we are all very different especially in terms of our ability to think, communication and attitudes.
I'm not entirely sure where all this leaves me, as someone who took a risk and left the comforts of the US some six years ago. I think that I understand more but experiences lead me to believe that I don't. I think that I can be more patient and tolerant of other ways to do things, but then I'm not. I want to know more but this seems to lead to more suffering.
I have a thirst for trying to determine what is right as opposed to who is right and possibly that is what motivates me to want to learn and have direct experience with other cultures. More questions without answers will continue to arise and maybe I should be satisfied with at least being able to have the curiosity to formulate the questions.
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