- November 28, 2023
- 9:00 - 10:30 AM
Welcoming Remarks

Richard Ponzio, Director and Senior Fellow, Global Governance, Justice & Security Program, Stimson Center; Steering Committee Member & Contributing Expert, the Climate Governance Commission
Keynote Speakers

Mary Robinson, Lead Co-Chair of the Climate Governance Commission and Chair of The Elders, Former President of Ireland

Maria Fernanda Espinosa, Co-Chair of the Climate Governance Commission and Executive Director of Global Women Leaders Voices, 73rd President of the UN General Assembly

Johan Rockström, Scientific Co-Chair of the Climate Governance Commission and Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

Maja Groff, Convenor, Climate Governance Commission

Adrianna Abdenur, Brazilian policy expert and co-founder of Plataforma CIPÓ and Climate Governance Commissioner

Wanjira Mathai, Vice President and Regional Director for Africa at WRI and Climate Governance Commissioner

Nobuo Tanaka, Former Executive Director, The International Energy Agency and Climate Governance Commissioner

Sophia Kianni, Commissioner of the Climate Governance Commission, Founder and Executive Director of Climate Cardinals; Member UN Youth Advisory Group on Climate Change
- Veena Balakrishnan and Marie-Claire Graf, Climate Youth Negotiator Programme
- Neshan Gunasekera, MEGA and Earth Trusteeship Working Group
- Johan Falk, Exponential Roadmap Initative
- Bhadra Kanaiya, Sunways Global
- Marcello Palazzi, B for Good Leaders Network
- Ingmar Rentzhog, CEO & Founder, We Don’t Have Time
Full Agenda
- Brief welcome and introduction of the report
- Presentation of the report from Commission Co-Chairs
- Interventions from Commissioners of the Climate Governance Commission
- Discussant and partner remarks
- Q&A and discussion with the audience
- Closing remarks