This new video highlights Russian propaganda messages denying the facts about the invasion of Ukraine that have been posted and shared on social media, sometimes tens of thousands of times. The video’s message is that only the work of journalists on the ground can enable us to thwart disinformation, manipulation, and propaganda.
Following RSF’s campaign video released at the end of 2022 about the propaganda speeches delivered by Vladimir Putin on Russian television, this new video aims to get viewers to appreciate journalism’s importance in raising awareness and in motivating the public about issues that are critical for their future.
“ The work of journalists on the ground, in Ukraine, in the Middle East and throughout the world is needed to report the reality of the facts and reduce the impact of propaganda, manipulation, and rumour. As part of a 360-degree strategy that includes satellite broadcasting, the challenges of artificial intelligence, work in the field and influencing decision-makers, RSF is developing innovative solutions in order to promote trustworthy reporting and protect journalism.
In Ukraine, RSF teams are still providing material, psychological, and financial assistance to journalists who need it. In Lviv and Kyiv, the press freedom centres created by RSF continue to receive dozens of reporters every day. To thwart the propaganda broadcast by the Kremlin, RSF has also launched an unprecedented initiative – the provision of independent TV content to Russian-speaking audiences by satellite.
This campaign video is intended to help RSF raise part of the funds it needs to continue its work in Ukraine and the rest of the world. Targeted at the general public, it will be carried by TV channels, shared on social media, and made available to all websites that want it.
Produced by the BETC ad agency with support from the Dutch foreign ministry, the video was directed by Chloé Dupeyrat.