Paris Agreement Implementation and Compliance Committee: Supporting Parties Ahead of Key Submission Cycles

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UN Climate Change News, 10 December 2024 – The Paris Agreement Implementation and Compliance Committee (PAICC) held an event at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP29) last month to help Parties prepare for several upcoming submission cycles. This includes the communication of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) due next year, and the submission of Biennial Transparency Reports (BTRs) and biennial communications of information related to Article 9, paragraph 5, of the Paris Agreement due by the end of 2024.

The event provided an avenue for rich exploration and dialogue, on the cusp of the upcoming submission cycles of NDCs, BTRs and biennial communications of information.

Four key messages were reinforced at the event: (i) the nature of the PAICC as being expert-based, facilitative, transparent, non-adversarial and non-punitive; (ii) the importance of 2025 for the PAICC’s work in light of upcoming submission cycles; (iii) the ways in which the PAICC helps Parties implement and comply with the Paris Agreement, and (iv) the importance of building and maintaining the trust and confidence of Parties to the PAICC’s work.

This was the fourth consecutive side event of the PAICC at UN Climate Change Conferences in response to various calls by its members and alternate members to showcase the Committee’s role in supporting Parties with their implementation of and compliance with the Paris Agreement.

At its sixth session in Baku, the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (CMA) noted with appreciation the Committee’s annual report and its recommendations, and the work undertaken by the Committee to date.

The CMA at its closing session in Baku, adopted a decision postponing the first review of the modalities and procedures of the PAICC to its ninth session in November 2027, noting that the PAICC will gain significant relevant experience in implementing its modalities and procedures in connection with the upcoming communications of NDCs, and submissions of BTRs and biennial communications of information. The CMA further concluded that it would continue to consider the matters contained in chapter II.B of the Committee's annual report at its seventh session (November 2025).

Ms. Christina Voigt and Mr. Haseeb Gohar, in sharing some final reflections on their tenure as the Committee’s Co-Chairs from 2020 to 2024, had the following to say.

Co-Chair Voigt said: “Following the 'genesis' of PAICC from anchoring it in Article 15 of the Paris Agreement, to facilitating the Committee´s modalities and procedures, which were adopted in Katowice in 2018, to being its inaugural Co-Chair for the last five years was a unique, rewarding and lessons-rich experience. I am immensely grateful for the trust from the Parties to the Paris Agreement, the support from the UNFCCC secretariat and the cooperation with my Co-Chair Mr. Haseeb Gohar. PAICC is now fully operational, which in the years to come will be a key element in the effective operation of the Paris Agreement.”

Co-Chair Gohar added: “As we conclude this term, I want to take a moment to acknowledge the significant journey Ms. Christina Voigt and I have embarked on together as Co-Chairs of the PAICC. These past years have been transformative, filled with challenges that we've tackled head-on, substantial growth, and remarkable achievements. As we transition to new leadership, it is crucial that we maintain our momentum and continue to support one another. I am confident that PAICC will evolve and excel in the future. Thank you for an incredible experience!”

The next meeting of the PAICC will take place during the first two weeks of April 2025 after the submission deadlines for NDCs, BTRs and biennial communications of information.


The Paris Agreement established the Committee to facilitate the implementation of and promote compliance with its provisions. The Committee is expert-based and facilitative in nature. It consists of twelve members and twelve alternate members, whom the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of Parties to the Paris Agreement (CMA) elects based on equitable geographical representation.

The Committee can take different measures to facilitate implementation and promote compliance, such as helping countries engage with relevant bodies or arrangements on finance, technology and capacity building or assisting in developing an action plan.

More information about the Committee can be found here.

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