Article covering the summit: https://www.africanews.com/2023/03/03/summit-to-protect-worlds-largest-f...
Here the Declaration/Plan ( in French): https://www.elysee.fr/emmanuel-macron/2023/03/02/le-plan-de-libreville
The roadmap developed at the summit, the "Libreville Plan", is available here: https://www.elysee.fr/emmanuel-macron/2023/03/02/le-plan-de-libreville.
Relive the high-level segment with the heads of state and government on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shYF474qOyU&t=19118s.
The ministerial sessions on the work presented to the heads of state and government are also available: https://oneforestsummitmedia.com/english/live-streaming/.
Tropical forests provide an invaluable service both to local populations and to humanity by offering many resources but also by sequestering carbon and hosting biodiversity hotspots.
This summit has been an opportunity to make progress and renew our collective ambition regarding the preservation and sustainable management of forests, which are critical to tackling the most pressing interrelated global challenges, at the forefront of which climate change and biodiversity loss. The promotion of a North-South solidarity, central to protecting these vital reserves, will also be a key element.
Building on the experience of previous One Planet Summits, this summit has gathered heads of States and governments, leaders of international organisations, financial institutions, private sector, international NGOs, think tanks and research centers, indigenous people’s organisations and civil society.
The One Forest Summit aimed to lead to new commitments and concrete initiatives on:
- Advancing knowledge and promoting scientific cooperation on forest ecosystems
- Fostering sustainable value chains in the forestry sector
- Unlocking innovative sources of financing including market-based biodiversity conservation solutions.
The first day of the summit, on March 1st, focused on bringing together member of governments, civil society leaders and scientific experts to deliver on these three topics. The attendees had the opportunity to take part in ministerial events and side-events related to the three pillars of the summit.
The second day, on March 2nd, was dedicated to the high-level segment, uniting heads of States and governments on the topic of the Congo basin and the common challenges faced by the African, Amazonian and Asian tropical forest basins.
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