Democracies are under unprecedented levels of pressure from within and without. The polarisation of political discourse, geopolitical tensions, public health and economic crises, and creeping foreign influence in democratic processes – all also fueled by mis- and disinformation – have tested citizens’ trust in public institutions and are driving many governments to strengthen and protect democratic values and processes.
Trust in public institutions underpins the 5 pillars of work that form the OECD Reinforcing Democracy Initiative:
- Pillar 1 - Combating mis- and disinformation
- Pillar 2 - Strengthening representation, participation and openness in public life
- Pillar 3 - Embracing the global responsibilities of governments and building resilience to foreign influence
- Pillar 4 - Gearing up government to deliver on climate and other environmental challenges
- Pillar 5 - Transforming public governance for digital democracy
OECD Global Forum & Ministerial Meeting, Luxembourg, 2022
Ministers and high-level representatives from 38 OECD countries, the European Union, as well as OECD accession candidate countries, met in Luxembourg on 18 November for the OECD Public Governance Ministerial on "Building Trust and Reinforcing Democracy" to propose concrete actions to address the pressing challenges facing democracies today.
Luxembourg Declaration
The Ministerial meeting culminated with the adoption of the Luxembourg Declaration on Building Trust and Reinforcing Democracy in which Ministers and high-level representatives restated their commitments and supported a range of concrete actions.