The Least Developed Countries (LDCs) Universities Consortium on Climate Change (LUCCC) is a South-South long-term capacity-building platform comprised of universities as founding members from the LDCs. Other LDC universities are gradually joining the group. Under this network of universities, faculty members and students share experiences and knowledge on climate change to build capacity through education, training, research and communication. LUCCC as an LDC-wide initiative has been endorsed by the LDC Ministerial in Addis Ababa in October 2018.
LUCCC aims to capacitate all the 46 LDCs to adapt effectively to the adverse impacts of climate change as well as to explore win-win options for mitigation. It aspires to develop a South-South and South-South-North knowledge sharing and capacity building network, focusing on adaptation. All the universities, research and training institutes in the LDCs will be included over time in the LUCCC network.
Objectives of LUCCC
- To foster a South-South collaborative network for enhancing research capacity and expertise in climate change.
- To network and enhance the capacity of Southern universities to develop common research projects and implement teaching and training programs in different climate change topics. The focus of the consortium will be on climate change adaptation, especially community-based adaptation.
- To work with the most vulnerable countries for the most vulnerable communities.
- To foster two-way collaborative learning and capacity-building.
- To enable LDC universities and research institutes to serve as repositories of knowledge and capacity builders. This will enable national agencies to effectively implement community-based adaptation initiatives as they have the staff to train implementers.
LUCCC is a 13-year initiative established on 1st July 2017 and is expected to run until 30th June 2030.