16 Nov 2023
DT4E connects skilled refugees in Jordan and Lebanon, with employers and job opportunities in Belgium, Ireland, Portugal and the UK. In practice, DT4E relies on a database developed by IOM’s partner Talent Beyond Boundaries, which encompasses over 75,000 skilled profiles, a testament to the untapped potential of displaced talent.
During the three-day conference, IOM joined a session that delved into how technology can bridge the gap between refugees and international job markets, as well as offering insights into the successes and recruitment opportunities that the technology sector can provide.
“Momentum is building, and governments all over the world are now taking steps to include displaced persons in their skilled migration programmes and businesses are realizing the enormous untapped potential offered by displaced talent,” said Mónica Goracci, IOM’s Director of Programme Support & Migration Management. “We are elated that we have the chance to show on this stage the fantastic opportunities created by IOM and its partners through DT4E for companies and talents alike.”
Get to know more about the Displaced Talent for Europe (DT4E) project here.
IOM’s Displaced Talent for Europe (DT4E) project is funded by the European Union. To implement DT4E, IOM collaborates with Talent Beyond Boundaries (TBB), the Belgian Federal agency for the reception of asylum seekers (Fedasil), Agência para a Integração, Migrações e Asilo (AIMA) – Agency for Integration, Migration and Asylum in Portugal, and the immigration law firm Fragomen. In addition, DT4E has secured the buy-in and support of multiple governmental bodies, public employment agencies, sector federations, employers’ organizations, and civil society organizations.
For more information please contact:
Ryan Schroeder, +32 492 25 02 34, rschroeder@iom.int