From: https://eeas.europa.eu/headquarters/headquarters-homepage/16844/statemen...
We cannot and we will never forget the victims of genocide. On 9 December, we commemorate and honour their memory.
Remembrance strengthens our collective resolve to prevent genocide and other atrocity crimes from happening again. But in far too many places in the world today, acts that can constitute such crimes continue to take place .
Under international law, we have collectively undertaken to prevent and to punish genocide and other atrocity crimes. These crimes are the result of successive, deliberate actions. We must stay focused on identifying early warning signs and move quickly to early action.
The prevention of genocide and other atrocity crimes is an integral part of our Foreign Policy, as set out in the EU Global Strategy. The European Union's conflict Early Warning System integrates atrocity prevention indicators. Our Common Security and Defence Policy missions and operations are working to protect civilians and to build up responsible security sectors. Our proposal for a new Consensus on development confirms our continued support for atrocity prevention including on-going capacity building programmes in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the European Neighbourhood.
The EU continues to call upon members of the UN Security Council to support actions to prevent or end mass atrocities. We also continue to fight against impunity. Through our support for the International Criminal Court we are supporting accountability and reconciliation which are key elements for ensuring non-recurrence and thus prevention of future atrocities.
The richness of our societies is our diversity. Our action promotes respect for the human rights of all. We are engaged to protect the fundamental rights of minorities around the world and at home. And we are engaged to secure the inclusion of all parts of society, without discrimination and through dialogue.
It is the time to come together, in line with our Responsibility to Protect, to stop genocide once and for all.
For more information on this important day:http://www.un.org/en/events/genocidepreventionday/
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