Here the webcast.: http://www.businessanddisability.org/index.php/en/news-and-events/news/4...
On Wednesday, October 12, 2016, the ILO Global Business and Disability Network will be hosting its 2016 Global Meeting at the ILO’s headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. During the event, new company members will sign the Business Charter on Disability, joining forces with current Network members in transforming workplaces worldwide into inclusive spaces for people with disabilities.
A special panel will discuss the future of work and the challenges and opportunities emerging types of jobs and new work structures will bring to people with disabilities.
Register here for the meeting (the meeting is free of charge).
Agenda (CET)
Date: Wednesday, 12 October 2016
Time: 09:00-17:00
Venue: ILO Headquarters, Room II, Geneva, Switzerland (Route des Morillons 4)
Participants: ILO Global Business and Disability Network members, global companies, national business and disability networks, academic institutions, and global and regional disabled people's organizations.
09:00-09:45 |
Closed session for ILO Global Business & Disability Network Members Report by the Chair on Network activities since October 2015 Feedback from expert meeting on mental health at work held on 11 October 2016 Proposed activities for 2017 followed by general discussion |
09:45-10:15 |
Coffee break and welcome to non-members |
10:15-10:35 |
Welcoming remarks and presentation of main achievements of the ILO Global Business & Disability Network Manuela Tomei, Director, Conditions of Work and Equality Department, ILO Mathilde Tabary, Network Steering Committee Chairperson, Carrefour |
10:35-10:45 |
Signing Ceremony of the ILO Global Business & Disability Network Charter Photo session |
10:45-11:00 |
Remarks by representatives from signing companies |
11:00-12:30 |
Panel on the future of work: challenges and opportunities for people with disabilities Moderator: Deborah France-Massin, Director, Bureau for Employers’ Activities, ILO Cecile Rochet, I&D Senior Manager, Accenture Maria Luz Vega, Coordinator of the Future of Work Initiative, ILO Phil O’Reilly, BusinessNZ Special Representative and member of the ILO Global Business and Disability Network Steering Committee |
13:30-14:30 |
Panel on company practices challenging stigma and stereotypes Moderator: Marc van den Biggelaar, Product Director LDPE, Dow Chemical Europe Christine Rabret, Direcrice Égalité des Chances, Orange Yves Veulliet, Global Disability & Inclusion Program Manager, IBM Anne-Sophie Beraud, Diversity and Inclusion Director, Accor Edurne Alvarez de Mon, HR Senior Consultant, Fundación ONCE Q&A |
15:00-16:45 |
How effective partnerships can support disability inclusion Moderator: Bruce Roch, Network Steering Committee Vice Chairperson, Adecco Collaboration between private sector and universities – Susanne Bruyere, Director, Institute on Employment and Disability,Cornell University Effective collaboration between company and NGO: the example of Accenture and Leonard Cheshire Disability – Alessandra Furtado, Assistant Director, International Resourcing & Development, Leonard Cheshire Disability Fostering dialogue between private sector and disabled people – Susan Scott-Parker, CEO and Founder,Business Disability International Job retention for disabled people – Mathilde Tabary, Social Development and Diversity Director, Carrefour Working in parallel on supply and demand: the experience from Bangladesh – Murteza Khan, Co-founder, AK Khan WaterHealth Ltd |
16:45-17:00 |
Closing remarks Bruce Roch, Network Steering Committee Vice Chairperson, Adecco Shauna Olney, Director, Gender, Equality, and Diversity Branch, ILO |
For more information, contact us at businessanddisability@ilo.org
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