http://www.ila-net.org/WLC/WLC2020/index.html Become part of a community of leadership educators, students, researchers, coaches, business owners, managers, and elected officials and share, enhance, and expand your knowledge and practice of leadership. The conference features keynote speakers, an array of concurrent workshops and panels, featured sessions, and more!
BUILD YOUR LEADERSHIP CAPACITY by learning about creative solutions and honing your practice through interactive workshops and presentations.
BE INSPIRED BY NEW IDEAS and successful leadership strategies that fine tune your vision and skills.
GROW YOUR PROFESSIONAL NETWORK of women across generations, sectors, and culture
Keynote Panel
Kehkashan Basu
Kehkashan Basu, iconic youth leader, global influencer, and environmentalist is a trailblazer who has been challenging the status quo and social strictures that impede the progress of future generations. A powerful voice for future generations, she has spoken at over 125 United Nations and other global fora across 25 countries. Learn more about Kehkashan Basu.
Hadeel Mustafa Anabtawi
Hadeel Mustafa Anabtawi, We Empower Winner and DVF international awardee, is a social entrepreneur in the children & girls empowerment field. She founded The Alchemist Lab in 2012 in Jordan to empower children with the skills they need to explore themselves and the world around them with confidence & determination. Learn more about Hadeel Mustafa Anabtawi.
Phyllis Feder
Phyllis Feder is the owner of Clinton Vineyards and Winery, a leading agricultural
producer in Dutchess County, New York. In her 80s, she is the most senior owner and operator of a vineyard in the state. A Democratic insider, she has a deep well of experiences mentoring and leading related to wine, women, and politics. Learn more about Phyllis Feder.
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