Young people do not necessarily view uncertainty in their lives as negative, especially those most-marginalised youth who see their ‘certainty’ as poverty, unemployment and environmental fragility.
Faced with uncertainty, fragile environments and transitional moments, young people can create innovative strategies. We will focus on how adults, including those working on policy and practice in rights and philanthropy, can learn from how children and youth can positively navigate uncertainty.
This dialogue presents, from the perspectives of academics, policymakers, funders and youth researchers and activists, how we need to work with children and youth if we are to find new, more hopeful futures in the face of uncertainty.
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‘Rejuvenate’ is a project that recognises the value that children and young people can bring when they are given the space and support to do so.
It began with a process to collate and map previous and current child rights projects that exhibit substantive participation with children and youth people.
The project draws on existing practitioner and academic literature, field experts and exemplary projects. The project team brought all three of these elements together in what they are calling a ‘living archive’, an evolving database of projects, resources, organisations and people.
The archive draws on literature from children’s and youth geographies, the sociology and anthropology of childhood and youth, education, international development, and documents that elaborate on projects that include children and young people.
The ‘living archive’ forms the basis of what the project hopes will become a resource hub for projects and practitioners working at the intersection between child/youth-led work and social change work.
As part of the reflection on the mapping exercise, the project also propose a set of field principles, as guidelines to facilitate more horizontal collaborative work with children and young people. You can find out more in the project’s Working Paper ‘Learning from a Living Archive: Rejuvenating Child and Youth Rights and Participation’.
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