Beyond resource mobilization, the conference will be an investigation of the role tax systems can play across the three traditional objectives of policy: resource allocation, stabilization aftershocks, and how to correct inequalities through redistribution (See concept note below.) Follow the conversation: #taxpolicyconference
The conference targets 500 participants, drawn from a diverse group of researchers, evaluators, policymakers, representatives of international organizations, civil society, development practitioners and the private sector. In keeping with the trademark of the Global Development Conference, the majority of the participants will be from developing countries.
The event has the generous support of the French Ministry of Economy, Finance and Recovery and Agence Française de Développement (AFD).
The global pandemic has highlighted the role of tax policy for development.
Gathering taxes is the prerequisite of public agency. Tax systems generate revenue to cover the public expenditure priorities, and tax policy itself can also promote or hamper equity, poverty alleviation, gender equality, health and environmental protection while influencing the quality of development overall. Pro-poor progressive taxation that encourages sustainable development, for instance, is an unexplored frontier.
Pandemic recovery in the medium term, and resilience and sustainability in the longer term, including green growth, depend on well-designed and implemented tax policies. Beyond resource mobilization, the focus on tax policy is also an investigation of the role tax systems can play across the three traditional objectives of policy: resource allocation (how to conceive of tax systems to allocate resources in ways that are conducive to the promotion of sustainable development; stabilization (how to respond to shocks); and redistribution (how to correct inequalities that need to be corrected).
The Conference is being co-hosted by these organizations: the Global Development Network (GDN), the Foundation for Studies and Research on International Development (FERDI), the Center for Studies and Research on International Development (CERDI), and the University of Clermont Auvergne.
November 2-4, 2022 at Clermont-Ferrand, France.
The conference will last two and a half days.
Events will include:
- Dynamic Plenary sessions and Keynotes by leaders in the field
- Parallel sessions in a range of formats to encourage broad participation
- Rapid fire presentation sessions of the latest research on tax policy in developing countries
- Controversies
- Poster displays and presentations during breaks (competitively selected)
- Expo with information about the conference organizers and sponsors
- Blog competition targeting youth
- Networking opportunities
“Register here to join us in person or virtually and help shape this important debate on Tax Policy for Sustainable Development with your insights, research and learnings.” Watch our video in English or French.
Concept Note | Partners | Conference Program | Scientific & Organizing Committees | Call for Sessions (English, French) | Call for Papers (English, French) | Applications platform (Sessions & Papers). Please read the call guidelines before you apply.
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