Expo 2020 Dubai: Sport, Human Rights and Sustainable Development
for registration: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=YeBehAAHKkGQ9RRl-5o5...
Join UNESCO at the Dubai Expo 2020, virtually or in-person, for a 3-day event with sessions on sport, human rights and sustainable development.
DAY 1: 20-January-2022
*all times are in Gulf Time
Welcome by Ireland at Expo, UNESCO, and UNESCO Chair MTU
12.00-12.30pm (Hybrid - Irish Pavillion, Expo2020 Dubai and online)
This session will introduce 'Sport, Human Rights and Sustainable Development at Expo2020 Dubai', a 3-day event, its purpose and intended outcomes. It will set the scene, outlining the interconnectedness between sport, human rights and sustainable development.
A Conversation with David Donoghue - Sport, Human Rights and Sustainable Development
12.30-1.45pm (Hybrid - Irish Pavillion, Expo2020 Dubai and online)
David is the Former Ireland Ambassador to the United Nations and Broker of the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development. The session is an opportunity to ask David questions about the process and progress of the SDGs.
Sport for Development Measurement and Investment Session
3.30-5.30pm (Online)
This UNESCO-led session aims to empower sport ministries and other policymakers by giving them access to clear data that can be used as a tool for collaboration and funding to drive sport and sustainable development – with a focus on “real-world” sport projects. It will also open a collaborative discourse on the needs of different funding bodies, IGOs, and governments providing better understanding of the current trends of international sport funding, its challenges and opportunities.
DAY 2: 21-January-2022
Sport, SDGs and Human Rights - The Mandate
12.00-1.00pm (Hybrid - Irish Pavillion, Expo2020 Dubai and online)
This session will outline the mandate of the Agenda 2030 from the perspective of different UN Agencies and the contributing role of sport, including UNESCO, ILO, UNHCR, UNDESA, UN Women and UNDP. The session will be hosted by Giovanni Di Cola (ILO) and Daniela Bas (UNDESA).
Kazan Action Plan - Action 1 Human Rights and Sport
2.00-3.30pm (Hybrid - Irish Pavillion, Expo2020 Dubai and online)
This session will explore the connections between human rights and sport, highlight ongoing efforts to increase reporting on sport to UN human rights monitoring mechanisms, and showcase practical examples of work being done in National Human Rights Institutions to integrate sport into their work. Panellists will represent the UNESCO Chair MTU; Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission; Australian. Human Rights Commission; Rwanda National Commission for Human Rights; and New Zealand Human Rights Commission.
Fit For Life UNESCO's Sport Flagship for Education, Health and Equality
4.00-4.30pm (Online)
Fit for Life aims to accelerate COVID-19 recovery, support inclusive and integrated policy-making, and enhance the wellbeing of youth around the world. Powered by a global compact of partners, Fit for Life uses data driven sport interventions to tackle intersecting crises in physical inactivity, mental health and inequality. Launched in November 2021, this event will introduce the programme to an international and regional audience.
Sport4Impact & Kerry Recreational Sports Partnership - MOU Signing
4.30-4.45pm (Hybrid - Irish Pavillion, Expo2020 Dubai and online)
Storytelling on the Power of Sport in Human Rights and Values Education with PR Smith & TRUST Photo Competition Award Ceremony
5.00-6.30pm (Hybrid - Irish Pavillion, Expo2020 Dubai and online)
The Great Sportsmanship Programme mobilises communities into sportsmanship values, sport & literacy. Based on true, 2 minute, inspirational sportsmanship stories, this innovative ‘edutainment programme’ also aims to boost self-esteem and global citizenship - inspiring a new generation. The session will culminate with storytelling through images with the TRUST Photo Competition 2022 Award Ceremony.
DAY 3 events to come
- Register for the 3-day event here
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