For those of you who write proposals know how hard to write about your planned impact. For those of you instead focusing on implementation, you know even better (and harder) the challenges in creating an impact. The Center for Public Impact http://www.centreforpublicimpact.org/what-we-do/ is focused at macro level, mostly related to how public policies are designed and implemented or better say “delivered”.
Yet the work done by NGOs or INGOs should be framed within the “Big Picture”, not only within the national policy (quite easy job.) but totally aligned and complementary to what a government is doing. Certainly when a government is weak both at policy and implementation level, the “going solo” approach prevails in such a way that local not for profit organizations only nominally and formally are part of a common delivery effort.
Good governance, effective implementation, rule of law, all nice buzzwords that we all know. Political stability and a focus on effective policy formulation are key. Think about all the provisions you can find in a budget: while it is impossible to involve everybody in such huge exercise, there are thousands of provisions who despite being good or at least have good intentions, might not be implemented because of lack of dialogue and incapacity to involve other actors in the implementation level.
The big question is how to ensure an effective policy formulation and effective implementation when there is political instability. How can not for profit organizations really support the Government? How can the Government fully embrace non state actors for creation of public good? These are some defining questions that we all should think over very seriously.
About the Center:
The Center works on the so called “Impact Imperative”:
“Improving the impact of government is one of the greatest challenges of the 21st century. The ultimate test of any policy is whether it makes the difference it sets out to achieve. But too often the results do not match the vision, wasting time and money and damaging public trust in leaders and institutions. Regardless of a nation’s system of government, citizens want government to work well. Failure to work effectively means that citizens disengage and good policy ideas become even harder to implement.”
Some of the big questions raised by the Center are:
What can make a government effectively deliver?
How to remove barriers and potential tradeoffs to effective public policy delivery?
How to create synergies and partnerships for effective delivery of policy?
Michael Barber, former Head of Delivery Unit with the Blair Government and the inventor of the so called “deliverology” is one of the co-founder of the center. He is also the Manging Partner of Delivery Associates that helps governments around the world to “effectively” deliver public policies. http://www.deliveryassociates.org/
Here the link to a very interesting article of Barber:
Another interesting article from the CEO of the Center, Adrian Brown,
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