Date: Thursday, 9 December 2021
Time: 1.00 – 3.00 PM (GMT+7)
Register here: l.forum-asia.org/ANNILaunch2021
Live via: Zoom, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter
NHRIs play an important role in helping States meet their human rights obligations under international law. However, the ANNI report highlights that in 2020, most NHRIs were unable to perform their mandates effectively. Their independence had been compromised due to the repressive laws and governments have often excluded NHRIs when developing COVID-19 responses.
The human rights situation in 11 Asian countries covered in the report has continued to deteriorate due to the pandemic. Civic space has continued to shrink, and human rights defenders have persisted to work in precarious conditions, and with minimal protection.
Join the discussion on NHRI-related advocacy during the pandemic, lessons learned, setbacks, and good practices from NHRIs in Asia.
Dr Sakuntala Kadirgamar, Law and Society Trust (Sri Lanka)
Kenneth Cheng, SUARAM (Malaysia)
Thanarat Deejantuek, People’s Empowerment Foundation (Thailand)
Hyun-Phil Na, KHIS (Korea)
Ahmad Taufan Damanik, Chairperson, Komnas HAM (Indonesia) – To be confirmed
Moderator: Shomira Sanyal, FORUM-ASIA NHRI Programm Associate
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