To commemorate the lives lost to climate disasters, 15 July has been established as the Annual EU Day for the Victims of the Global Climate Crisis. Meanwhile, to help prevent climate change from causing more social and economic damage, the EU has published guidelines to help Member States step up their climate adaptation efforts. Nature is a key ally in the fight against climate change and we must do more to protect it, which is why the EU has adopted measures such as the new Nature Restoration Law. Greening our industry is another important step to mitigate global warming. To that end, the EU will invest more than €6.5 billion to support clean tech projects and boost the production of green industrial equipment, such as batteries.
While tackling climate change at home, the EU is encouraging partners across the globe to follow suit. The 7th Ministerial on Climate Action was co-hosted in Brussels by the EU, Canada and China, and EU representatives met climate diplomats in China and Mexico to strengthen cooperation.
What's new? |
Eurobarometer: Majority of Europeans consider that the green transition should go faster |
A huge majority of European citizens believe that climate change is a serious problem facing the world (93%), according to a new Eurobarometer survey published on July 20. Over half think that the transition to a green economy should be sped up (58%) in the face of energy price spikes and concerns over gas supplies after Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
Wildfires: EU provides crucial assistance to the Mediterranean region |
As several countries grapple with rapidly spreading wildfires, the EU stepped in to reinforce firefighting efforts and provide much-needed support to the affected communities with over 490 firefighters and 9 firefighting planes deployed to Greece and Tunisia since 18 July.
How climate change is disrupting rainfall patterns and putting our health at risk |
Climate change isn’t only about temperature rise. The warming of the planet also has repercussions on rainfall with both droughts and extreme rainfall becoming more common in different parts of the world.
The EU Day for the Victims of the Global Climate Crisis |
The European Commission, the European Parliament and the Member States have designated 15 July as the Annual EU Day for the Victims of the Global Climate Crisis.
Building a climate-resilient future |
On July 26, the European Commission has adopted a new set of guidelines to assist Member States in updating and implementing comprehensive national adaptation strategies, plans and policies.
New Nature Restoration Law boosts biodiversity and climate action across Europe |
The EU’s new Nature Restoration Law - which passed through the European Parliament on Wednesday, 12 July - paves the way for even greater biodiversity and climate action.
European Green Deal: more sustainable use of plant and soil natural resources |
The European Commission adopted on July 5 a package of measures for a sustainable use of key natural resources, which will also strengthen the resilience of EU food systems and farming.
Innovation Fund: EU invests €3.6 billion of emissions trading revenues in innovative clean tech projects |
On 13 July, the European Commission pre-selected 41 innovative, large-scale, clean tech projects for grants worth over € 3.6 billion from the Innovation Fund.
European Commission approves €3 billion German scheme to boost the transition to a net-zero economy |
The European Commission has approved a €3 billion German scheme to support private investments in specific strategic goods needed to foster the transition towards a net-zero economy, in line with the Green Deal Industrial Plan.
European Commission proposes greener and more efficient freight transport |
On July 11, the European Commission adopted the Greening Freight Transport package, which contains measures to make freight transport more efficient and more sustainable. The aim is to help the sector contribute to the target of cutting transport emissions by 90% by 2050, as set out in the European Green Deal, while allowing the EU Single Market to continue growing.
Maritime transport emissions: European Commission welcomes new IMO climate ambition for next decades |
The European Commission welcomed the agreement reached on July 7 at the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to revise its 2018 strategy on reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from ships. The agreement is a milestone to cut the carbon footprint of international maritime transport and ensure that the shipping sector makes a fair contribution to achieving the Paris Agreement targets.
European Commission proposes a coordinated EU withdrawal from the Energy Charter Treaty |
On July 7, the European Commission proposed that the EU, its Member States, and Euratom withdraw, in a coordinated manner, from the Energy Charter Treaty. This Treaty is largely unchanged since it was agreed in the 1990s, and is no longer compatible with the EU’s enhanced climate ambition under the European Green Deal and the Paris Agreement.
Remarks of EVP Timmermans at the Ministerial on Climate Action |
The 7th Ministerial on Climate Action (MoCA), co-hosted by the European Union, Canada, and China, took place in Brussels on 13-14 July. At the event, COP28 President-Designate Sultan Al Jaber presented the action plan for the upcoming UN climate summit, which was welcomed positively by Executive Vice President Frans Timmermans.
EU-China High Level Environment and Climate Dialogue |
European Commission Executive Vice President Frans Timmermans and Vice Premier of the People's Republic of China Ding Xuexiang held the fourth EU-China High Level Dialogue on Environment and Climate (HECD) in Beijing on 4 July 2023.
EU-Mexico High Level Dialogue – stepping up cooperation on environment and climate action policies |
At the 10th High Level Dialogue between Mexico and the European Union, senior officials from the two regions agreed to continue their cooperation, work together towards the much-needed green and energy transitions, and tackle the pressing environment and climate challenges.
Social media highlights |
July's record breaking temperatures | Twitter |
July 2023 is set to be the hottest month on record, according to @copernicusecmwf It has seen: The hottest three-week period ever recorded The hottest day on record It is still possible to avoid the worst of climate change, but only with urgent #ClimateAction
What can we do to tackle climate change and protect our health? | Instagram |
The effects of climate change are scary. Luckily, a lot of the solutions for tackling climate change will also be great for our health and wellbeing too! Climate action isn't just for the planet, it’s for us too.
Latest publications |
Major rise in forest disturbances over the past 70 years |
A comprehensive EU-funded study of European forests has revealed a sharp rise in forest disturbance across 34 countries between 1950 and 2019. Damage caused by bark beetles, fire, and other causes of disturbance are undermining climate and biodiversity policy targets, warn the authors.
The EIB climate survey |
Against the background of Russia's unjustified and unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, with increasing energy prices across the globe, the 2022-2023 European Investment Bank (EIB) climate survey shows how a majority of people around the world favour a shift to greener solutions.
Decarbonising heating and cooling - a climate imperative |
This publication by the European Environment Agency (EEA) sheds light on the essential transition from fossil fuels to renewables in our heating and cooling systems, accounting for half of the EU's total energy use. Explore the potential of modern district heating systems, the implications of biomass use, and the breakthroughs of heat pumps for a low-emission future.
Upcoming events |
Have your say |
Public consultation on heat pumps – action plan to accelerate roll-out across the EU |
The use of efficient heat pumps in buildings, industry and local heat networks is key for cutting greenhouse gases and achieving the European Green Deal and REPowerEU targets. The European Commission will take stock of, analyse and build on the views, positions and ideas of stakeholders on barriers to the roll-out of heat pumps to build a common understanding of the relevant policy responses.
Call for evidence and public consultation launched on industrial carbon management under European Green Deal |
The European Commission has published a public consultation on industrial carbon management – carbon capture, utilisation and storage deployment. The aim is to gather input from stakeholders and citizens, which will then feed into the Commission’s preparations for a new EU strategy for carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) deployment in the EU.
Apply for funding |
Horizon Europe: EUR 420.1 million of funding available for research and innovation projects under Cluster 5 |
The European Commission has launched new calls for projects under Horizon Europe's Work Programme for 2023-2024 Cluster 5 – which groups together topics on Climate Action, Energy and Mobility. A total of EUR 420.1 million in EU funding is available under these calls. Don't miss this chance to finance your project!
EUI Innovative Actions Second Call for Proposals! |
The European Urban Initiative (EUI) has officially launched its second 'Innovative Actions' call with a budget of EUR 120 million. The call focuses on three thematic areas: ‘Greening Cities’, ‘Sustainable Tourism’ and 'Harnessing Talent in Shrinking Cities’. Registration is open!
€99 million available for funding your project ideas for the Clean Energy Transition |
The LIFE Clean Energy Transition Call for Proposals 2023 is inviting stakeholders actively working on accelerating the clean energy transition and decarbonising Europe
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