Since 2020, AIYP has initiated several activities. Most recently, it has implemented the COVID-19 Response Small Grants Programme, which supported 10 youth-led projects in several countries throughout South and Southeast Asia. It has also supported and implemented several communications and advocacy activities, including youth-led webinars and social-media campaigns. In 2021 and 2022, it plans on supporting several youth-led projects and advocacy initiatives, as well as provide capacity building trainings on a variety of topics.
In line with its emphasis on youth-led actions and activities, AIYP will be offering a three-month paid fellowship opportunity for young indigenous persons (ages 18-35) living in its member countries. With support from AIPP and UNESCO, selected fellows will be expected to take a leading role in the governance, communications, and activities of AIYP.
Duties and responsibilities of the assignment:
In general, the AIYP Fellows will be expected to:
Work with AIYP members to implement 4 small youth-led solutions and interventions for challenges facing indigenous youth in South and Southeast Asia, particularly in relation to education, employment, land rights, and participation.
Support members of AIYP in the overall coordination of AIYP’s social media and awareness-raising strategy, including developing and implementing social media campaigns, panel discussions, and trainings.
Raise awareness of the challenges facing indigenous youth in South and Southeast Asia, as well as highlight effective responses to these challenges; and
Actively support the coordination/leadership structure, outreach, and sustainability of AIYP
Specifically, the AIYP Fellows will be expected to:
- Work with AIYP members to develop a draft AIYP Strategic Framework, as well as 11 national-level work-plans for implementing the framework.
- Design and develop an AIYP Communications and Advocacy Strategy for 2021-2022.
- Organize 2 bimonthly meetings with AIYP members
- Support in the coordination of 4 youth-led action projects by monitoring the progress of each of the projects and reporting back to UNESCO and AIPP.
- Organize two online panel discussions/webinars, and at least 1 social media advocacy campaign raising awareness of issues impacting indigenous youth in South and Southeast Asia.
- Work with AIYP members to identify opportunities for expanding and strengthening AIYP membership, as well as funding opportunities.
Timeline and Payment
Due to the COVID-19 situation, the AIYP fellows will be expected to work remotely for 3 months (1 October-31 December 2021). Extensions may be granted depending on the success of the fellow.
Strong candidates for the AIYP Fellowship program will have the following skills/background:
- Must be an indigenous youth (age 18-35) from an AIYP member country (Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Thailand, or Vietnam).
- Must have at least 1 year’s experience with volunteer management, particularly on a social development project.
- Experience with monitoring and reporting social development projects desired, but not required.
- Fundraising experience desired, but not required
- Proficiency in programs such as Adobe Premier, Adobe Photoshop, and Canva are desired, but not required.
- Fluency in English is required.
All interested applicants should submit their latest CV/resume (with professional references), as well as 1-page proposal for how the wish to execute the required tasks of the fellowship, to 1. charu@aippnet.org 2. nbf541@alumni.ku.dkand and 3. aiypunesco2021@gmail.com.
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