The aim of AAC2023 is to bring together researchers from across Australia, the Pacific, Asia and beyond who are working on aid and international development policy (the AID in the conference acronym) to share insights, promote collaboration, and support development within the research community. With more than 600 people attending in 2022, the AAC has established itself as Australia’s premier aid and development conference.
AAC2023 will be held at the Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University, Canberra. The main emphasis of the conference is on in-person attendance and presentations, with all the opportunities for interaction and networking thereby afforded. It will also offer livestreaming via YouTube of selected sessions.
About the conference
The Australasian AID Conference (AAC), held annually in partnership with The Asia Foundation, has become an integral part of the Australian and regional aid calendar. The aim of the conference is to bring together researchers from across Australia, the Pacific, Asia, and beyond who are working on aid and international development policy (the AID in the conference title) to share insights, promote collaboration, and help develop the research community.
The 2023 Australasian AID Conference will be held on 5–7 December.
What people are saying about the conference
“From my perspective, the Australasian Aid Conference event is a great example of how the Crawford School brings together academics, policy makers and practitioners for an open exchange of views and for mutual learning.”
Professor Brian Schmidt AC, Vice-Chancellor, ANU
“This event has emerged as a very important annual venue for serious discussion of national, regional and global issues in international development, development cooperation and aid effectiveness.”
Gordon Hein, Senior Vice-President of Programs, The Asia Foundation
“From my own perspective and all those I connected with there and since, it was a great success in terms of the breadth of issues, the diversity of presenters and the balance between information and engagement.”
Shannon Ryan, Manager - Food Security and Natural Resources, World Vision Australia
Conference hosts
The Development Policy Centre
The Development Policy Centre (Devpol) is a think tank for aid and development serving Australia, the region, and the global development community. Devpol undertakes independent research and promotes practical initiatives to improve the effectiveness of Australian aid, to support the development of Papua New Guinea and the Pacific island region, and to contribute to better global development policy.
Devpol was established in September 2010 and is based at Crawford School of Public Policy in the College of Asia and the Pacific at the Australian National University.
The Asia Foundation
The Asia Foundation is a nonprofit international development organisation committed to improving lives across a dynamic and developing Asia-Pacific. Informed by six decades of experience and deep local expertise, our work across the region is focused on good governance, women’s empowerment and gender equality, inclusive economic growth, environment and climate action, and regional and international relations.