The Disability Resource Center at the University of Arizona

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Truly a unique institution anywhere in the world, the Disability Resource Center at the University of Arizona is promoting disability rights as a social justice issue.

Promoting corporate volunteerism in Nepal

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Ford Motors, the global car manufacturer, is investing resources in a global volunteering program "Ford Global Caring Month" that was also realized in September by GO Ford, the local authorized dealer. Hopefully GO Ford will take advantage of the initiative to set a clear example on corporate volunteerism in Nepal. The article was published on "Perspectives", The Himalayan Times.

The Wounded Heros: Inclusive Tourism opportunities in Nepal

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A great example of partnerships to promote inclusive form of tourism with a great potential for the entire tourism industry of the country. The article was first published for The Himalayan Times' Perspectives supplement

One Girl Under 15 Married Every Seven Seconds

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Child marriage is still one of the biggest plagues faced by the humanity. Read the report from SAVE THE CHILDREN


ILO Global Business and Disability Network 2016: Future of work and what it means for people with disabilities

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Watch and listen Live webcast: Global Meeting, 12 October 2016. The challenge is now how to include small medium size companies rather than just multinationals though in developing countries like Nepal, even local big companies, have a lot of work to be done to catch up with global standards.

Celebrating Deshain in the US

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A few weeks ago I was able to celebrate Deshain with the Nepalis and Friends Association Arizona.

10th EU Anti-Trafficking Day: Commission calls for intensified efforts to address new challenges

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The European Commission marks the 10th EU Anti-Trafficking Day today urging a reinvigoration of joint efforts across the Union to eradicate trafficking in human beings.

UN Secretary-General's Message for International day for the eradication of poverty: Moving from humiliation and exclusion to participation: Ending poverty in all its forms

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"Poverty is not simply measured by inadequate income. It is manifested in restricted access to health, education and other essential services and, too often, by the denial or abuse of other fundamental human rights. Let us listen to and heed the voices of people living in poverty. Let us commit to respect and defend the human rights of all people and end the humiliation and social exclusion..."

yesterday was international poverty day but who really cares?

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The 17th of October is the International Day for the eradication of Poverty, a UN special day, one of many, actually but i just found it out by chance reading a small article on a local day. The day should be of strategic importance but it seems no one really cares. Maybe because there are too many "special" days celebrated all over the world? Find some background info about the day.


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The celebration of International White Cane Day offered an opportunity to talk with Activist Sristi KC about her experience in Europe. The overall situation in terms of accessibility and inclusion is mixed though there are some encouraging steps within the higher education system. Yet much more can be done.
